
Medically, the burn is when the skin loses its vitality with high heating. Depending on the height of the heat or the duration of contact, the superficial, middle and deep layers of the skin may burn to death. Burn leaves different marks depending on the depth and areas they cover. Burn scars have remained a problem where aesthetic surgery could not produce a solution and the patient could not regain normal appearances.

First degree burns affect the top layer of the skin. There is pain in the burn area. This type of burns are superficial burns that occur in sunburns.

Skin can be treated with soft creams,pomats and superficially effective pain killers. Within 1-2 weeks, the skin in the burn area is peeled off and slightly red skin is seen. Over time, the skin becomes normal and there is no mark.

In 2nd degree burns, the upper layer of the skin is completely burned. healing occurs when cells from the sebaceous glands, sweat glands and hair roots in the lower layer of the skin multiply. According to the amount of loss of the skin attachments that provide recovery, second degree burns are divided into two sub-classes, superficial and deep. In superficial second degree burn, there are no marks, but in deep second degree burn healing occurs by leaving a burn mark. Water blistersin the burn area should be protected. It is followed with suitable dressings. Areas other than facial area should not be followed by closed dressing. The belief among the public that the burn area should be treated openly is a false information.

In third degree burn, there have been no more skin attachments to regenerate the skin. The healing occurs with the skin that develops from the edges of the burn and develops a scar that will disturb. Skin transplantation can be performed on the burn site to prevent badly wound healing. Small areas heal by leaving a mark with dressings, while large areas take a long time to heal and life-threatening if infection develops during this time. The joint and neck side may cause restriction of joint and neck movements. Skin transplantation accelerates healing and prevents the development of loss of function. In areas where skin transplantation is performed, the scar develops less. Skin transplant operations can be useful for reducing mark in the late period.

This is applied to all body parts.