Treatment For the Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary urinary incontinence, inability to hold urine or loss of bladder control and is a very common health problem in society. Urinary incontinence is an important health problem affecting 30-40% of women over the age of 30. As a result of being frequently seen in society, it is perceived as almost part of normal life. Women are trying to combat this problem by using absorbent pads, carrying extra underwear or reducing fluid intake.

Stress incontinence: It is defined as drop-by-drop or more urinary incontinence in cases where sudden intraabdominal pressure is increased, such as coughing, sneezing, sudden standing up, laughing, lifting something heavy.Stress incontinence is the result of insufficiency or weakness of valves in the bladder and urethra (canal out of the bladder). The most important risk factor is pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.

Urge incontinence: It is defined as the urinary incontinence with a sudden feeling of urination. It occurs as a result of sudden involuntary contractions in the bladder and urinary incontinence occurs before the person can reach the toilet. With this type of incontinence, he goes to the toilet very often, including at night. Urinary tract infections, substances that cause bladder irritation (stone in the urinary tract, sand…), bowel problems, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and multiple sclerosis are among the causes of urge incontinence. Urge incontinence is also called hyperactive bladder syndrome if there is no disease that causes it.

Overflow incontinence: Bladder sensations are not detected, although the bladder is full, there is no feeling of urination due to loss of sensation and urinary incontinence occurs when urine is stored in volumes exceeding bladder capacity. This type of incontinence causes bladder injuries, urethra obstruction or nerve damage.

Mixt incontinence: It can sometimes be in the form of both stress and urge incontinence. In this case mixt is classified as incontinence.

Total incontinence: It defines urinary incontinence which occurs at night, in daytime , permanently or temporarily.

This is applied to the genital area.