Eyebrow and Forehead Rejuvenation

Eyebrow and Forehead Rejuvenation. An eyebrowlift, also known as a foreheadlift or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the forehead, browand area around the eyes. Forehead wrinkles , eyebrows hair loss, changes occurring on the eyelids, goose feet formed on the sides of the eyes, aging changes on the face are natural physical development. Although this image is natural, it can make the person look tired and sad and prevent him from reflecting his mood. Forehead lifting-eyebrow lifting methods are applied to smooth out the saggy skin and eyebrows. These structures are tightened in eyebrow lifting or forehead lifting surgeries. The forehead is compelled to keep smoother. Eyebrow lifting surgeries can be performed alone or with eyelid or face lift surgeries.

Forehead and eyebrow rejuvenation are evaluated and decided together with concerned patient according to the signs of aging and the position of the eyebrow.

In general there are two methods

1. Suspension methods with rope

a. Silhouette Soft Polylactic: acid strings used for non-surgical facial rejuvenation

b. Spring Thread: Rope consisting of Silicon and PET (polyethylene terephthalat)

2. Surgical forehead and eyebrow lifting

Preoperative Period

When eyebrow or forehead lifting surgery is decided, a detailed examination is performed. Details of the method required for you are explained. You will be informed about the incision locations and the technique to be applied. Since it has a blood thinner effect for 10 days before such applications, it is useful not to take aspirin, etc.


Forehead-eyebrow lifting operations can be performed under local or general anesthesia. Drawings about the surgical plan are performed and images such as photos, video recordings, etc. are taken to compare before and after surgery. The patient can be discharged on the same day after the operation. After the forehead stretching surgery, elastic bandages can be applied to the forehead area for 2-3 days. Edema and bruising may occur around the eye, it will recover within 1 week.

Postoperative Period

It is natural to have a feeling of physical tension and pressure in the first days of surgery. Resting during this period, cold compress and restriction of movements will help to heal. After the 3rd day, edema and tension usually begin to decrease. Usually the day after the procedure or the second day of the procedure. the bandages on your head open on the day. You are allowed to take a headbath. You are asked to use a moisturizing cream on the forehead. If the stitches that should be removed during surgery are used, they are taken away within 7-10 days. Eyebrow lifting is an operation that will contribute significantly to your facial features and your face to look young.