Cup Ear

Otoplasty is usually performed to bring the prominent ear closer to the head, to reshape the outer ear, correct deformities or improve appearance. This operations ion is usually performed on children between the ages of four and ten. As of the age of four, the ears are considered almost fully developed, and the sooner the operation is performed, the less problems children will face in the external environment. This surgery can also be performed in adults and there is no additional risk for adults.


Otoplasty is usually performed in the outpatient settings ; sometimes your doctor may recommend that the intervention be performed at the hospital in which case you can spend one night in the hospital. If your child is small, your doctor can recommend general anesthesia, so your child will be in deep sleep during the operation. For older children or adults, your doctor may choose local anesthesia by combining it with a sedative. In this case, your child will be awake but relaxed. Otoplasty surgery takes an hour and a half to two hours. Complicated cases may take longer. Depending on the problem with the ear, the surgical technique may change. Usually the cartilage tissue is reached through incision that is opened on the back of the ear.

Sometimes sections are removed from the cartilage tissue, or the ear is shaped by gently forming on the cartilage without removing the tissue. The ear folds backwards without disturbing the anatomical structure. In addition, permanent stitched are placed to prevent from re-opening. In this operation, no trace is left behind at the later stages. Compression bandages are applied to the patient. After surgery, adults and children can stand up and walk around and go home a few hours after surgery.Our patient’s head will be wrapped at the end of the surgery to facilitate healing. Ears may hurt for a few days, but these pains can be soothed on taking medications. After seven days, this bandage will be removed and the head will be wrapped with a lighter dressing.

After the removal of these bandages, your doctor will recommend a headband especially for use at night. It will help to better maintain the shape of the ear during the day. Stitches are usually removed within a week or dissolvable stitches can be used. Any activity in which the ear is bent should be avoided for up to a month and a half. Most adults can return to work in about ten days. Children can go to school in a period of about seven days, but they need to be careful with their activities. You can ask your child’s teacher to help them take care of your child for a few weeks.

This is applied to the Ear area