Child Jaw-Face Fractures

What is Child Jaw-Face Fractures ?
Childhood accidents can have bad consequences during growth and development. Fractures caused by falling and crashing in children are one of them. Fractures caused by accidents in children can also cause growth problems. The fact that the child bone is more elastic and the growth cores are open is important for the follow-up and treatment of fractures in children. ‘Green tree fractures’ are more common among these fractures. In green tree fractures, the ‘periosteum’ membrane, which is thicker and covers the bones, remains strong. Wrist, arm, forearm, collarbone and ankle fractures are also examples of common fractures in children.

What are the steps for the applications ?

Facial bone fractures are treated with different methods according to their location, the problems they cause or may be in the future. Fractures that have not been displaced and are not expected to play with muscle strength may not need to be treated, and there are also facial bone fractures requiring large-scale and long-term operations where fixations are made with artificial plaques and screws. Plaques and screws made of titanium are often used to detect broken bones, and in children, materials that are self-melting over time. If the broken jaw concerns the bones, palate and dental prostheses are also used to restore the impaired closure relationship of the teeth.