
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is a hair transplantation technique that was introduced in the 1990s and is based on the principle of removing hair follicles from the donor area and planting them in the canals opened in the area to be transplanted.

In FUT method, the donor area (nape area) is anesthetized using local anesthesia for the collection of hair follicles. This prevents the person from feeling pain during the operation.

A rectangular piece of skin about 15 cm x 2 cm in size is removed from the anesthetical area by cutting. The size of the area to be cut varies according to the amount of hair follicle aimed at pulling out. For example, the area of the skin part to be cut off during plantings with a small number of grafts is also shrinking. In addition, if the person’s hair density is low, a larger piece of skin is needed in order to remove the same number of grafts.

The piece of skin which will be removed from the nape area is extracted by the nurses to separate the hair follicles and carefully prepare them for transplantation. Grafts separated from the skin parts are properly placed in containers called petri dishes.

While the collected grafts are prepared for planting, the area opened in the patient’s body is closed and aesthetic stitches are put in. After about 20 days to 1 month of recovery, a horizontal stitch scar will remain here (in the nape area between the two ears). One of the major disadvantages of this method is scar due to these stitches that do not come out completely after the operation.

After the collection of the grafts, the planting process will be started. For this purpose, the area to be planted is anesthetized with local anesthesia and the more grafts are pulled out the more channels are opened. In hair transplantation, these canals are holes which their size is as large as needle tips and hair follicles will be placed inside.

After the canal opening process, hair follicles are placed inside the channels and hair transplantation operation is over.

In this method, the hair follicles pulled out in bulk create a stitch scars in the nape area, while the grafts removed individually in fue method do not cause any deformation in the nape area, but fut method can be done much more quickly, In FUE method, the process of collecting hair follicles is slower. Thanks to the micromotor used in FUE method, this process is shortened as much as possible.

This is applied to the hair area.