Magnetotherapy is a non-interventional physical treatment method based on magnetic field interaction, a natural and sensitive form of treatment. The pulsative magnetic field appropriately affects the body tissues, increasing the permeability of the cell membranes. This natural method is used successfully in the treatment of many diseases at the same time. According to the principles of biomagnetology, all living things have a weak or powerful magnetic properties due to all substances. There are therefore low magnetic fields in all the spaces inside and outside all living things. The human body is actually an electromagnetic machine where each cell has its own electrical circuit. The magnetic field in the human body is caused by the movement of bioelectric loads. According to biot – savar theory, moving electrical loads form a magnetic field. There is always a magnetic field in any region that occurs in bioelectric. Therefore, organs such as the heart, muscle, nerve and brain have a certain magnetic field. The signals of the magnetic field that human forming substances use to communicate with each other are in harmony. These signals are also in harmony with the Earth’s magnetic field.
The fact that there is a very wide application area in the treatment, its easy applicability, the lack of a natural method and a side effect makes magnetotherapy very important. The earth’s crust has a natural magnetism. This magnetic interaction makes it possible to exchange substances in cell membranes. Thus, it is possible for the cell, which operates like a factory, to remove waste materials and toxins from its site and maintain its function in an appropriate course and vitality by taking water, nutrients, oxygen and necessary minerals. The cause of fatigue, muscle pain, headacheand rotation in the astronauts sent into space, which can last for weeks, was not understood in the early years. As a result of extensive research carried out in the following years, it was determined that these symptoms were caused by a lack of earth’s magnetic field. This system, which provides artificial magnetic fields to solve this life-incompatible problem, is produced because the magnetic field is \”zero\” in space conditions.
The people who make the most of the natural magnetism of the earth’s crust are rural people with a lot of contact with the soil. The mystery of their longer life and healthier ness lies in the constant vitality and functional ness of cells due to this magnetic field interaction. These cells, which show an active course, such as fish living in a clean and clear sea, take advantage of this protective and natural balance that nature offers. With technology, city life reduces people’s contact with soil, as well as electromagnetic pollution, which has affected contacts with the natural magnetic field. Heart attack age falls to the 20s, collapse of immune systems, frequent exposure to diseases, frequency of brain bleeding